We recently came upon minutes for meeting from the early years of St Matthew’s so we will be sharing them on this page each month. We are starting with Vestry minutes from 1922
D.D. Clark Wardens
R.D. Martin
A.C Clark
C.A. Brown
Alfred Mosher
Arthur Richter
Oscar Ott
Rev. Lee L. Rose, Rector, Chairman of the Vestry
Helen E. Bentley, Secretary to the Vestry
January 9,1922
As appointed St Matthew’s Vestry met on January 9,1922 the second Monday in January in the Prescription department of Brown’s Pharmacy.
Those in attendance were Chairman the Rev. Lee. L Rose, Wardens, DD Clark and R. D. Martin. Vestryman C.A. Brown and Secretary of the Vestry Helen E. Bentley.
The meeting being duly opened the business of the hour was considered as followed,
The matter of paying H. W. Chilson, contractor in full of account was proposed by R. D. Martin and it was voted that the Secretary should draw a check in favor of Mr Chilson in full of account.
C.A. Brown then brought before the meeting the furnace situation suggestions, what ways it could be adjusted so that either the church proper or basement could be adequately heated . The Vestry then gave authority to R. D. Martin in order that he might proceed to have such adjustments made as were proposed.
Further it was voted that a payment of $25.00 should be made from the parish funds on the $78.80 coal bill to C. L. Judson. Other small bills were also authorized to be paid by the Secretary.
Then came a discussion proposed by the Chairman regarding a committee for handling the work in connection with the re-opening of the Nation Wide Campaign for the coming Autumn. No action was taken except that it was voted that all material regarding this matter of the N. W. C. should be sent to the Secretary of the Vestry who should bring it before the various vestry meetings for action.
There followed an informal discussion in regard to the matter of securing a formal resignation from Vestryman Arthur Richter, in the event of his removing from the village but no motion was made in regard to any action to be taken.
All current business matters being covered the voted to adjourn.
Notes : D D Clark- David D Clark Occupation - Retail dealer at meat market
R D Martin- Roy D Martin Occupation -Secretary at Optical Works
A.C Clark - Albert C Clark Occupation – Superintendent at machine shop
C. A. Brown- Charles A Brown -Occupation -Pharmacist at Brown’s Pharmacy
H W. Chilson - Horace W Chilson Occupation- House contractor
C.L Judson- Clayton L Judson Occupation – Coal Dealer
Ladies guild history of St. Matthew’s from May 7, 1891 The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. Communications were read from Watkins concerning the entertainment from Corning about carpets from Hedding church. They are asking for the right to produce the goddess of Fame. The questions were aggitated .put to the vote and decided that the play be sold after May 20th for $5.00 The question was then put before the society.. should any of the money made at the last entertainment be used for the purpose of moving the organ. It was decided by an unanimous vote No. The first monthly supper to be given in the Guild rooms May 28th is 15 cents only. Committees were appointed as follows .. on carpets- Mrs A.J. Bennett, Mrs W.L. Dailey, Mrs Mordice Richey, Mrs A.C. Weston and Mrs P.J. Marshall .. on piano Mrs A.J. McClure, Mrs Marion Imson,.. on finished work and apprizing -Mrs Parks, Mrs McHenry, Mrs McClure